Resilient City planning meeting, 16/03/2009

Resilient City planning meeting, 16/03/2009, Forest Cafe
Present: Pat, Liam, Eva, Joe, Gerry, Johanna, Michelle, John

Action points from last meeting:
Edinburgh University venue for Sat & Sunday – Eva had emailed David, who was keen in principle, but not definite news yet.

Action: Eva to let John know as soon as venue confirmed, so that he can confirm Friday 2nd Oct date with Filmhouse.

Discussed that we need more people to join the planning group, to lead on different themes, eg:

Action: Eva to contact Ally Tibbett at Greener Leith; Pat to contact Slow Food; Liam to contact Jess Gildener at Changeworks;

Discussed a title for the event, plus an introductory sentence / paragraph for use in initial emailings, etc.

Agreed on ‘Painting Edinburgh Green’ as the best potential title (at least for the time being).
Meeting developed a range of elements & phrases for the introductory sentence / paragraph – final editing to be done by Liam, Eva, & John & then distributed to group for trial distribution.

Action: Liam, Eva, John

Action: Johanna to contact Spokes & FOE.

Action:  All to draw up list of potential contacts in own chosen theme area – for inviting to a future planning meeting.

Action: Liam to export themes/topics from mind map to a document as starting point for above list of themes and contacts.

Planning exercise :
Only had time to suggest a few milestones as a starting point for a plan. Post-its are transcribed directly below.
Action: Liam to turn these into first draft of a plan on Google Docs that everyone in this group can update.

April/May 2009
Venues booked
List of topics confirmed
Fully resourced plan in place
Materials required identified (funding)
Draft programme of speakers and workshops
Full costing plan
Funding proposal in

July 2009
Transition film details sent to Filmhouse

August/Sept 2009
Filmhouse programme deadline
19/8 pupils resume
Flyers ready
Flyers printed
Funding received
Health & Safety plus insurance in place
Identify existing networks for publicity
Press release 1 ready
Food arranged
Identify publicity opportunities at events leading up to October weekend
Press Release 2 ready

2/10/2009 Event starts

Next Meeting
Tuesday 31/3 at 7pm in Forest Café, downstairs in ‘Crafty Room’.